Source code for facelift.capture

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Bunn <>
# ISC License <>

"""Contains helpers and managers for capturing content from various sources.

Among the included functions, :func:`~.iter_media_frames` and
:func:`~.iter_stream_frames` should really be all you ever care about.
With these two functions you can iterate over either some image or video (as supported
by OpenCV) or frames streamed directly from a webcam.
The frames output by these generators are ``numpy`` arrays that are considered
:attr:`~.types.Frame` instances and are used throughout the project.

For example, if I had a video file ``~/my-file.mp4`` and wanted to iterate over all
available frames within the video, I would do use :func:`~.iter_media_frames` like the

.. code-block:: python

    from pathlib import Path
    from facelift.capture import iter_media_frames

    MY_FILE = Path("~/my-file.mp4").expanduser()
    for frame in iter_media_frames(MY_FILE):

The same works for images, however only 1 frame will ever be yielded from the generator.

If you want to instead iterate over the frames from a webcam, you should use the
:func:`~.iter_stream_frames` like the following:

.. code-block:: python

    from facelift.capture import iter_stream_frames
    # will default the device id to a value of 0
    # this means OpenCV will attempt to discover the first available webcam
    for frame in iter_stream_frames():

    # if you have 2 webcams enabled and want to instead use the 2nd one, you should
    # specify a device index of 1 like this
    for frame in iter_stream_frames(1):

from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Optional, Union

import cv2
import numpy

from .magic import get_media_type
from .types import Frame, MediaType

[docs]@contextmanager def media_capture( media: Union[str, int], media_type: MediaType ) -> Generator[cv2.VideoCapture, None, None]: """General purpose media capture context manager. This context manager is basically just a wrapper around the provided :class:`~cv2.VideoCapture` constructor along with some capturing destruction logic. The provided ``media`` can either be a filepath to capture frames off of or a device id as defined by the `OpenCV video IO enum <>`_. In most all cases where you just want to build a capture off of your default webcam, you should just be giving a ``media`` of ``0``. Examples: >>> # build a media capture for a specific media file >>> from facelift.capture import media_capture >>> with media_capture("/home/a-user/Desktop/test.mp4") as capture: ... print(capture) <VideoCapture 0x1234567890> >>> # build a media capture around the first available webcam >>> from facelift.capture import media_capture >>> with media_capture(0) as capture: ... print(capture) <VideoCapture 0x1234567890> Args: media (Union[str, int]): The media to build a capturer for Raises: ValueError: On failure to open the given media for capture Yields: cv2.VideoCapture: A capturer that allows for reading sequential frames """ if media_type == MediaType.STREAM: assert isinstance(media, int) and not isinstance(media, bool), ( "media stream capture must specify an integer device id or stream type, " f"received {media!r}" ) elif media_type in (MediaType.IMAGE, MediaType.VIDEO): assert isinstance( media, str ), f"media file capture must specifify a string file path, received {media!r}" capture: Optional[cv2.VideoCapture] = None # pragma: no cover try: capture = cv2.VideoCapture(media) if capture is None or not capture.isOpened(): raise ValueError(f"Failed to open capture for media at {media!r}") yield capture finally: if capture is not None: capture.release()
[docs]@contextmanager def file_capture(filepath: Path) -> Generator[cv2.VideoCapture, None, None]: """Context manager to open a given filepath for frame capture. This is just a simple context manager wrapper around the base :func:`~.media_capture` manager to ensure that a given ``filepath`` exists and is a supported media type before attempting to build a capture around it. Examples: >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from facelift.capture import file_capture >>> MY_FILEPATH = Path("~/my-file.mp4").expanduser() >>> with file_capture(MY_FILEPATH) as capture: ... print(capture) <VideoCapture 0x1234567890> Args: filepath (~pathlib.Path): The filepath to open for capture Raises: FileNotFoundError: When the given filepath doesn't exist ValueError: When the given filepath is not a supported media type Yields: cv2.VideoCapture: A capturer that allows for reading frames from the given media filepath """ if not filepath.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No such file {filepath!s} exists") media_type = get_media_type(filepath) if not media_type: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported media type from {filepath!s}") with media_capture(filepath.as_posix(), media_type) as capture: yield capture
[docs]@contextmanager def stream_capture( stream_type: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Generator[cv2.VideoCapture, None, None]: """Context manager to open a stream for frame capture. By default this context manager will just attempt to connect to open capturing on any available webcams or connected cameras. You can get more specific about what device you would like to open a capturer on by supplying a different stream type. These stream types come directly from the `OpenCV video IO enum <>`_. Examples: >>> # build a frame capture from the first available webcam >>> from facelift.capture import stream_capture >>> with stream_capture() as capture: ... print(capture) <VideoCapture 0x1234567890> >>> # build a frame capture from the second available webcam >>> from facelift.capture import stream_capture >>> with stream_capture(1) as capture: ... print(capture) <VideoCapture 0x1234567890> Args: stream_type (Optional[int], optional): The stream type to open Raises: ValueError: When the given stream device fails to be opened for capture Yields: cv2.VideoCapture: A capturer that allows for reading frames from the defined stream type """ capture_index = stream_type or cv2.CAP_ANY try: with media_capture(capture_index, MediaType.STREAM) as capture: yield capture except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError( f"Failed to open device {capture_index!r} for capture" ) from exc
def _iter_capture(capture: cv2.VideoCapture) -> Generator[Frame, None, None]: """Iterate over available frames from the given capture. Args: capture (cv2.VideoCapture): The capture to read and yield frames from Yields: :attr:`~.types.Frame`: A read frame from the given capture """ read_success = True while read_success: # pragma: no cover read_success, frame = if not read_success or not isinstance(frame, numpy.ndarray): break yield frame
[docs]def iter_media_frames( media_filepath: Path, loop: bool = False ) -> Generator[Frame, None, None]: """Iterate over frames from a given supported media file. Examples: >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from facelift.capture import iter_media_frames >>> MEDIA_PATH = Path("~/my-media.mp4").expanduser() >>> for frame in iter_media_frames(MEDIA_PATH): ... # do something with the frame Args: media_filepath (~pathlib.Path): The filepath to the media to read frames from. loop (bool): Flag that indicates if capture should reset to starting frame once all frames have been read. Defaults to False Yields: :attr:`~.types.Frame`: A frame read from the given media file """ with file_capture(media_filepath) as capture: while True: yield from _iter_capture(capture) if not loop: break capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0)
[docs]def iter_stream_frames( stream_type: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Generator[Frame, None, None]: # pragma: no cover """Iterate over frames from a given streaming device. By default this iterator will attempt to connect to the first available webcam and yield the webcam's streamed frames. You can specify the appropriate device index 0-99 (0 being the default), or a custom stream type defined by the `OpenCV video IO enum <>`_. Examples: >>> from facelift.capture import iter_stream_frames >>> # iterate over frames available from the second available webcam >>> for frame in iter_stream_frames(1): ... # do something with the frame Args: stream_type (Optional[int], optional): The stream type to attempt to open. Yields: :attr:`~.types.Frame`: A read frame from the given streaming device """ with stream_capture(stream_type) as capture: yield from _iter_capture(capture)